eHMI 20.6 is Now Available
We are pleased to announce that eHMI 20.6 is now available. eHMI 20.6 delivers significant improvements as below:
- New functions and enhancement on “Tuft Preparation” page:
- New “Repeat” function
- Enhancement on updating pile heights
- Enhancement on duplicate tuft histories
- Enhancements in “File Browser”.
- Faster Browsing in Thumbnail mode
- Faster sorting
- Corrected sorting on Thumbnail view
- Enhancement on corner smoothing of closed contours in “New” page
- New “Web Direct” function in “Machine Configs” page
- New Driver-less USB dongle
- Enhancement on tufting with starting and points offset
- Enhanced GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- and more …
There would be no eHMI 6.x nor 8.x!
After several years of releasing eHMI software in Semantic Versioning, we have decided to switch from “Semantic Versioning” to “Calendar Versioning” to help you easily understand the length of support, compatibility, stability of any release and how much time has elapsed between two releases.
This means that the calendar-based format will incorporate the date of release into the version number. It will be as follows: yy.m.x (e.g., 20.6.0 or 20.6 for a June 2020 release) rather than in an x.y format (e.g., 8.80). Read more …
Please contact us to see how you can update your existing eHMI software.