Beginning in June 2020, EFAB will switch to “Calendar Versioning” for all software products to help you easily understand the length of support, compatibility, stability of any release and how much time has elapsed between two releases.
What is Calendar Versioning?
Beginning in June 2020, EFAB will switch from Semantic Versioning to Calendar Versioning. So, rather than version numbers in an x.y format (e.g,, 11.18), the calendar-based format will reflect the date of release into the version number. The format will be yy.m.x or yy.m.
For example, if an eDesigner is released in June of 2020, it’s version will be 20.6.0 or 20.6. When the eDesigner releases again in the month of June, the new version will be 20.6.1 and for the second release in the same month it would be 20.6.2. In this way, the first release of October will be 20.11 and so on.

Semantic Versioning

Calendar Versioning
Why are we switching to Calendar Versioning?
Calendar-based versioning will makes it easier to understand how old a release is and until how long it is maintained and supported or how much time has elapsed between two releases.
What is our Release Policy?
We release a new version only when it contains new functionalities or bug fixes. We may not release versions in every month if there are no new changes. In cases where we don’t release a new version within consecutive months, you may see a gap in versioning. For example, while the version of eDesigner released in June would be 20.6 and if there is no release until September then the next version will be 20.9.
What is our Maintenance and Support policy?
EFAB will generally provide Maintenance and Support for 12 months following the next major release. For example, if you purchase version 20.6 on June 2020 then EFAB will generally provide Maintenance and Support for version 20.6 until June 2021 (till version 21.6).