eDesigner is a professional software for designing, the simulation and the production of carpets & rugs.
It is suitable for hand knotted, machine woven, printed, hand-tufted and robotic tufted production. The software includes a flexible set of drawing tools and a great range of functions to increase design productivity.
Yes, the software can be run on Mac but not natively. Since eDesigner is written based on Windows operating system, you will need to install Windows in the Mac and run eDesigner on top of it. You can use Boot Camp for installing and running Windows on Mac directly. After you install, restart your Mac to switch between macOS and Windows.
Please contact us if you need more detail.
A trial version of eDesigner is available at the cost of 250€. You can get familiar with the software by getting full access to all its functions during the trial period of one month.
Please contact us for more information.
Each edition can be purchased as a perpetual or lifetime license with USB dongle. So you will be able to use your license without any internet connection.
After 12 months, we will propose for you to renew the maintenance services which includes support & updates. If you do not wish to renew it, you will be free to continue using your current version of eDesigner software for lifetime, but without updates or support services.
You can lease the eDesigner Pro+ or Ultimate Editions software on an annual basis and benefit upgrades during the rental period. Each year, you will decide whether to renew the lease or end using eDesigner software.
We are always curious for interesting and innovative approaches. Thus, we offer special discounts for the software for students, academic purposes or non-profit organizations.
We can also support the realization of special projects by tufting real pieces and samples on our hand-tuft robot.
Please contact us for more information.

eDesigner has different editions:
- Business Edition: Cost effective price, suitable for all businesses from small shops to large wholesalers, even business owners
- Standard Edition: suitable for most medium-sized companies and home designers
- Professional Edition: suitable for professional designers and producers to handle complex requirements
- Professional+ Edition: Outstanding edition for expert designers and well-established companies
- Ultimate Edition (64-bit): Comes with the most advanced feature set and with the possibility to work with very large files thank to 64-bit memory addressing.
Robotuft and eTuft 3D+ are unique editions for hand-tuft robots and they are not recommended for other carpet production methods.
You can find more information about different software packages here and comparison chart of different editions here.
A 32–bit system can access 232 memory addresses, i.e 4 GB of RAM or physical memory. A 64–bit system can access 264 memory addresses, i.e actually 18-Quintillion bytes of RAM. In short, any amount of memory greater than 4 GB can be easily handled by it. So a 64–bit application is suitable for memory and data intensive applications such as computer-aided design (CAD) applications with huge design file sizes.
Beginning in June 2020, EFAB switched from Semantic Versioning to Calendar Versioning. So, rather than version numbers in an x.y format (e.g,, 11.18), the calendar-based format will reflect the date of release into the version number. The format will be yy.m.x or yy.m. For example, if an eDesigner is released in June of 2020, it’s version will be 20.6.0 or 20.6. When the eDesigner releases again in the month of June, the new version will be 20.6.1 and for the second release in the same month it would be 20.6.2. In this way, the first release of October will be 20.11 and so on.
Calendar-based versioning will makes it easier to understand how old a release is and until how long it is maintained and supported or how much time has elapsed between two releases.
We release a new version only when it contains new functionalities or bug fixes. We may not release versions in every month if there are no new changes. In cases where we don’t release a new version within consecutive months, you may see a gap in versioning. For example, while the version of eDesigner released in June would be 20.6 and if there is no release until September then the next version will be 20.9.
EFAB will generally provide Maintenance and Support for 12 months following the next major release. For example, if you purchase version 20.6 on June 2020 then EFAB will generally provide Maintenance and Support for version 20.6 until June 2021 (till version 21.6).
Within the purchase of a lifetime license a training of 2 days (4 hours per day) is included. It is free of charge in these places:
- Korschenbroich, Germany
- Istanbul, Turkey
- “Online Training” through the Internet
For training in any other location, accommodation and travel cost of the trainer must be covered.
Additional training will be charged at 550€ per day (4hours).
Desktop or laptop with:
- Intel Core i5 or i7 processor
- Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista or XP (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system
- 8GB RAM or more
- Monitor with Full HD screen resolution
- Hard disk with 500 MB free space
- Simply inset the installation DVD in your PC or laptop disc drive.
- Run the “Autorun.exe” program.
- Connect the USB Hardlock to one of USB ports.
- Follow the instructions as following video clip.
Please send your question to info@efab.de.