Robotuft® is an advanced robotic tufting machine and related CAD/CAM add-on
for producing tufted area rugs, developed to fulfill all your carpet and area rug production needs.

Click here for more information …

Robotuft is registered trade mark of EFAB GmbH.


Unlicensed use of eDesigner (Carpet Design Software) or eHMI (HMI Software for Tufting Robots) not authorized by EFAB GmbH is illegal and can expose you and the company to civil and criminal liability under the copyright law. Use includes among others the permanent or temporary installation, duplication, distribution, sale, licensing to third parties or acquisition from third parties by download, purchasing machinery or in any other way without a valid EFAB-license, the crack of any copy protection and misuse of authentication.

Please be aware that EFAB GmbH doesn’t have any official partner in China. So if you receive eDesigner or eHMI by purchasing any machinery from China, you are not licensed to use them. If you continue to use these software (eDesigner and eHMI), you may be at risk of potential claims of infringement by third parties.

To ensure that you do not violate the copyright of EFAB you are encouraged to consult with EFAB GmbH in order to make sure such use is permitted by the EFAB-license.


按照版权法,未经授权许可,使用本公司(EFAB有限公司)的地毯设计软件(Carpet Design Software)和簇绒机器人人机界面软件(HMI Software for Tufting Robots)是非法的,可能会使您或您的公司面临民事或刑事责任。非法使用包括永久或临时安装、复制、分销、向第三方授权或从第三方下载、购买应用机器、破解程序或其他任何不具备EFAB有效许可证的不正当使用方式。

请注意,EFAB有限公司在中国未有任何官方合作伙伴。如果您通过在中国购买某些机器或其他途径获得本公司的软件(Carpet Design Software、HMI Software for Tufting Robots),将不具备合法许可。如果您继续使用这些软件,将可能面临侵犯赔偿风险。
